See FREE RIDE in the application to keep track of your confirmed bookings and available free rides. You can only have one free ride available at all times. After the “counter” has reached 10 one free ride will be made available and the counter and number of free rides will not increase. Click on the “REDEEM” button to make a free ride available and use it as the payment method for TO/FROM Booking requests. Select “FREE” as the payment method on your next online booking. After you have used your free ride the counter and free ride will reset back to 0.
Making booking request to the airport will have the FROM field pre-filled with your home address, you can change this by selecting “OTHER” in the list and entering an address manually.
NOTE: The booking request for Android users do not have an “OTHER” field, just enter a different destination manually.
Pickup time is not available to choose from if going to the airport. It is required to fill in your check-in time. In ” Booking History” the booking will initially show a Pickup time of 00:00. We will contact you to confirm your pickup time and payment telephonically. As soon as all bookings have been confirmed and updated your booking will show an updated Pickup Time in “Booking History”.
Making a booking request from the airport will have the TO field pre-filled with your home address, you can change this by selecting “OTHER” in the list and entering an address manually.
NOTE: The booking request for Android users do not have an “OTHER” field, just enter a different destination manually.
We will contact you to confirm your pickup time and payment telephonically. As soon as all bookings have been confirmed and updated your booking will show the updated information in “Booking History”.
The FROM / TO field addresses can be changed by selecting “OTHER” in the list and entering an address.
NOTE: The booking request for Android users do not have an “OTHER” field, just enter a different destination manually.
Charter bookings and payment will be confirmed telephonically. You can add additional comments if you like. Booking details in “Booking History” will be updated after bookings have been confirmed telephonically.
If anything is not clear or if you have issues with the application, please contact us by email or telephonically.
Mobile: 0427363488